Create a pop-up message box in Excel using VBA Macros. This allows you to show a message to the user and to get input back, depending on which buttons were clicked in the pop-up message.
To output a message in Excel, we use the MsgBox function. Below, you will find many examples that should suit your needs.
Example 2 - Add Buttons to the Message Box
Example 3 - Figure Out Which Button Was Clicked
Example 4 - Do Something After the User Clicks a Button
Example 5 - Change MsgBox Appearance
Select AllMsgBox(prompt, [buttons], [title], [helpfile], [context])
Argument | Description |
Prompt |
The text that will be in the message box. This is the only required argument for the MsgBox function. |
[Buttons] |
Allows you to display different buttons and icons in the message box. |
[Title] |
Text that appears in the title bar of the message box. |
[Helpfile] |
Not needed. Allows for a specific help file to be used. |
[Context] |
Not needed. Required if the helpfile argument is used. |
[] means it is an optional argument.
These are the values that can be entered for the buttons argument. You will use the VB Codes to add them to the message box. Examples below will include some of these options so you can better understand them.
VB Code | Description | Value |
vbOKOnly |
OK Button. Default. |
0 |
vbOKCancel |
OK and Cancel buttons. |
1 |
vbAbortRetryIgnore |
Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons. |
2 |
vbYesNoCancel |
Yes, No, and Cancel buttons. |
3 |
vbYesNo |
Yes and No buttons. |
4 |
vbRetryCancel |
Retry and Cancel buttons. |
5 |
vbCritical |
Displays the Critical Message icon in the message box window. |
16 |
vbQuestion |
Displays the Warning Query icon in the message box window. |
32 |
vbExclamation |
Displays the Warning Message icon in the message box window. |
48 |
vbInformation |
Displays the Information Message icon in the message box window. |
64 |
vbDefaultButton1 |
Selects the first button in the message box by default. |
0 |
vbDefaultButton2 |
Selects the second button in the message box by default. |
256 |
vbDefaultButton3 |
Selects the third button in the message box by default. |
512 |
vbDefaultButton4 |
Selects the fourth button in the message box by default. |
768 |
vbApplicationModal |
Application modal; the user must respond to the message box before continuing work in Excel. |
0 |
vbSystemModal |
System modal; all applications are suspended until the user responds to the message box. |
4096 |
VbMsgBoxSetForeground |
Specifies the message box window as the foreground window |
65536 |
vbMsgBoxRight |
Text is right aligned |
524288 |
When a user clicks one of the buttons that are in the message box, a value will be returned to VBA; that value corresponds to the button that was clicked and is listed below.
Button Clicked | Returned Constant | Returned # Value |
OK |
vbOK |
1 |
Cancel |
vbCancel |
2 |
Abort |
vbAbort |
3 |
Retry |
vbRetry |
4 |
Ignore |
vbIgnore |
5 |
Yes |
vbYes |
6 |
No |
vbNo |
7 |
Basic message box with text.
This is the simplest form of outputting a message.
Select AllMsgBox "Hi, this is my message."
Running the macro we get this:
Remember, the OK button is there by default and clicking that simply closes the pop-up message box window.
Message box with multiple buttons.
Select AllMsgBox "Hi, this is my message.", vbYesNoCancel
I added a comma after the display text and then input one of the VB codes from the Button Arguments list above.
Run the macro and we get this in Excel:
When a button is clicked, it sends a value back to Excel. Now, we need to capture that value so we can do something with it.
Select Allresponse = MsgBox("Hi, this is my message.", vbYesNoCancel)
All we have to do is to set a variable equal to the output of the MsgBox function. Here, the variable response is equal to the output of the function, which means that we type response = and then the msgbox function.
Note also that there are now parentheses surrounding the arguments for the MsgBox function; these weren't included before because they weren't needed. Often, they aren't used when creating simple pop-up windows.
I will now output the variable response into a Msgbox of its own so you can see the value it returns after a button was clicked.
Here is the final code for this example:
Run it and you get this:
Click one of the buttons and the next message box will open with the value that was returned as a result of the button click in the first window.
A 6 is returned, which means the button Yes was clicked. We know this from the table above "Values Returned from Button Clicks in the Message Box", which lists the values that each button click will return.
Now that you know how to determine which button was clicked, let's do something useful with it.
I will make a simple IF statement that checks which button was clicked and outputs a message based on that.
Select AllSub button_action_msgbox() response = MsgBox("Hi, this is my message.", vbYesNo) If response = 6 Then MsgBox "You clicked Yes" ElseIf response = 7 Then MsgBox "You clicked No" End If End Sub
Run the macro:
Hit one of the buttons and the next part of the macro will run and the corresponding msgbox will appear:
At this point, we have created a useful pop-up message box that solicits feedback and does something with that feedback.
You can add some additional things to the pop-up window to change its look and feel and here I will include some of those options, including a custom title for the window.
Select AllSub button_style_msgbox() MsgBox _ "Hi, this is my message.", _ vbOKOnly + vbInformation, _ "Custom Title" End Sub
First, notice that I used "_" at the end of each line so that I could place this piece of code on multiple lines.
Second, notice that there is now a custom title called Custom Title that will appear for the msgbox.
Third, notice that there is more than one option for the buttons argument and that each argument is separated with a plus sign (+) like this: vbOKOnly + vbInformation.
Run the macro and we get this:
The option vbOKOnly meant there would be only an OK button. The option vbInformation put that image with the i inside the blue circle in there. The custom title appears in the upper-left corner of the pop-up message box window.
These are a few examples that should get you comfortable using the Message Box pop-up window feature in macros in Excel.
This is a great way to give some information to your user that they must process or at least must reply to in some way before continuing.
Make sure to download the sample file attached to this tutorial to get all of the sample VBA Macro codes.