Hello, I'm following the "Automated Text Import in Excel with File Selection - The Easy Way - VBA" tutorial. I've gone through and completed the example with the various components and am now trying to build it to my specific purpose. I generated a .csv in another program and would like to import this, skipping the first (header) row. The tutorial shows a way to do this which works for me with the example .txt file, but when I import my .csv file (after changing the delimiter to comma) the header row is still included (see screenshot included). Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong?
Select AllSub Import_File() Dim FileToOpen As Variant Dim fileFilterPattern As String Dim wsMaster As Worksheet Dim wbTextImport As Workbook Application.ScreenUpdating = False fileFilterPattern = ".csv Files (*.csv), *.csv" FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename(fileFilterPattern) If FileToOpen = False Then MsgBox "No file selected." Else Workbooks.OpenText _ Filename:=FileToOpen, _ StartRow:=2, _ DataType:=xlDelimited, _ Comma:=True Set wbTextImport = ActiveWorkbook Set wsMaster = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Raw Data") wbTextImport.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy wsMaster.Range("A3") wbTextImport.Close False End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub